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Vision Statement
The National Association of College and University Residence Halls, NACURH Inc, seeks to create a network of engaged citizens sharing common experiences through residential leadership opportunities.
Mission Statement
As an organization, NACURH empowers, motivates, and equips residence hall leaders by providing them with skills and resources in order for them to excel and positively impact their campus communities.
Unification Statement
NACURH is comprised of individuals from a variety of
backgrounds and experiences, in recognition therein,
NACURH strives to be inclusive of all of its members. As such, NACURH represents a truly diverse population in which individual differences are accepted and celebrated. Ultimately, we strive for an appreciation, understanding, and acceptance of the diversity in all of our members.

Equity Statement
NACURH is an international organization comprised of member schools that vary in demographic makeup, structure, size, abilities, characteristics, identities, beliefs, and affiliations. NACURH is committed to equitable representation and decision-making in all practices and procedures including, but not limited to, conference hosting, awards and recognition, leadership development and officer roles, resources, communication, and provision of services. To this aim, NACURH and its representatives will protect individuals and institutions from undue bias and influence stemming from circumstances that are removed from the direct control of our student members. This includes, but is not limited to, policies established by the student's institution and housing department, and laws established by governmental entities with relevant jurisdiction. While acknowledging and appreciating the diversity of affiliated institutions, NACURH recognizes that there are relevant impacts on individual and institutional experiences in the organization that are of substantial and material significance. To this end, NACURH shall intentionally consider these impacts with integrity and with the best interests of affiliated member institutions in mind.
Indigenous Land
IACURH recognizes that the geographic land upon which our member institutions are built belongs to indigenous peoples and tribes. We extend our deepest respect and appreciation to these peoples, many of whom were displaced and experience the effects of colonialism, which attempts to erase their culture and labor. We acknowledge that our institutions contribute towards this tragedy. We encourage each of our member institutions to intentionally research and acknowledge the specific indigenous peoples who are the past, present, and future stewards of the land that they walk upon every day, and that they publically respect and acknowledge these peoples on a continual basis. Beyond this, we hope that they accompany this acknowledgement with tangible support and authentic relationships with these peoples.
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